Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct


CEBI is a Christian and ecumenical association that recognises, practices, and promotes a contextual and life-giving method of reading and interpreting the Bible. It was founded in 1979 and the organisation’s highest body of decision making is the General Assembly; the Assembly is made up of associated members, representatives from the 25 Brazilian states and the Federal District where CEBI operates, plus the National Council in office during that period. It elects the National Chairs (three people), the Fiscal Council and approves the nominations coming from the state coordination for the composition of the National Council.

In order to maintain the Christian spirit, its identity, values, and vision, CEBI is committed to holding the highest level of ethical conduct among collaborators (contractors or volunteers) in all its activities as well as those activities in which people representing CEBI participate. This Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct elaborate the expectations and commitments expected of all people who in any way work at CEBI (contracted or voluntarily), as well as people who participate in the activities of this organisation.

Scope and Purpose

The terms of CEBI’s Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct apply to:

  1. Associated Persons
  2. The National Council
  3. State´s Steering Committees
  4. Voluntary and contracted collaborators
  5. People participating in CEBI´s activities

The purpose of this Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct is to establish standards for the behaviour expected of all CEBI’s associated people. contracted and voluntary coworkers. This policy applies to all levels of CEBI’s organisation. Violations of the Code of Conduct are grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal of staff and termination from membership.

All people who work and participate in CEBI must be committed to ensuring that no one suffers harm, abuse, exploitation or any other form of violence as a result of their participation in its activities, services, projects and events. We must therefore ensure that our Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct are sensitive to gender, racial/ethnic, environmental, social, generational and religious dimensions.

Our purpose is to guarantee that:

  1. All people who are part of CEBI are equipped, confident and aware that they will be supported in fulfilling their responsibilities to assist and refer all victims of abuse and violence and engage positively to improve the combat and eradication of violence that may occur in the institutional practice of CEBI.
  2. Implement procedures to prevent and deal with abusive actions and behaviours of employees, associates and volunteers which harm people’s lives in our areas of activity.
  3. Ensure that all people in vulnerable situations with whom we work with are aware of our responsibilities to prevent and respond to any harm caused to them that may arise from the actions and behaviours of employees, associates, coordinators, partners and visitors; as well as the process of forwarding and reporting.

Mission and Values

CEBI’s mission is to be an instrument for transforming the unjust structures of society so that the Reign of God is visible. CEBI seeks to be a movement whose priority is to encourage, with the liberating reading and interpretation of the Bible and active listening to the word of God and, beyond that, the struggle and hope of impoverished, oppressed, and excluded people and their allies to build a more resilient and just society. CEBI seeks to read and interpret the Bible considering the following aspects:

  1. Reading from communities of organised poor, working class, and other marginalized groups is the starting point and primary “reality” of Popular Bible Reading.
  2. “Critical” (structured and systemic) reading of all aspects of life and the Bible.
  3. Collaborative reading amidst organised poor, working class, marginalised communities, organic intellectuals from these sectors, and socially engaged scholars.
  4. Contextualised and transformative reading.
  5. Reading that recognises the struggles of the impoverished and their actions challenging the situation of injustice, oppression and violence.
  6. Reading that promotes life for everyone.
  7. Reading that recognises and acknowledges sociocultural and religious differences.
  8. Reading that seeks to safeguard the integrity of creation and the sustainability of life on the planet

Guiding Principles

  1. Gender, ethnic, and religious diversity–ensuring equity in different areas of activity, training, and in decision-making spaces.
  2. Ecumenical practice and interreligious dialogue, with respect, dialogue, and openness to different religious and cultural manifestations.
  3. Gender justice in eradicating violence, prejudice and crimes committed against women and LGBTQIAP+ people.
  4. Racial/ethnic equity in CEBI’s areas of activity and denunciation and punishment of all forms of racism.
  5. Socio-environmental justice to guarantee safeguarding of creation and reporting of crimes against nature.
  6. Confronting and condemning diverse forms of violence.
  7. Be a safe place free of abuses of power, based on transparency in actions, eliminating corruption and working in collegiality as an expression of shared power and co-responsible participation.

CEBI – Conduct Commitments

  1. To guarantee and defend the integrity, vocation, mission and reputation of CEBI.
  2. To defend the values of justice, equity, accountability, responsibility for the common good, integrity and human dignity.
  3. Treat all people fairly, with respect and dignity, observing local and global laws.
  4. Do not allow the use of illicit substances on CEBI facilities or accommodations or on the premises where CEBI activities are carried out.
  5. To avoid any form of behaviour that could humiliate, degrade or exploit someone, especially children and adolescents (people under 18) and adults in vulnerable situations.
  6. Do not allow activities that practice or allow the exploitation of children or adults in vulnerable situations. The exposure of children and adolescents on social networks or other media will not be accepted without the authorisation of their guardians.
  7. The presence of children and adolescents and/or people in vulnerable situations will not be permitted at CEBI meetings, without the presence of those responsible or without due written consent by the one responsible for caretaker, in any environments in which the state of vulnerability becomes evident. Obviously, permission will be given in extreme circumstances, involving serious illness, mental disorders and risk of suicide.
  8. Ensure that CEBI assets and resources are used responsibly and transparently.
  9. Do not allow harassment, abuse and use of pornographic materials on digital equipment and media owned by CEBI. This includes any material that intimidates, harasses any group or encourages extremism.
  10. Prohibit members of the CEBI Council and CEBI Coordination and Services from receiving or accepting the granting of benefits, contracts for goods or services from governmental and political bodies. If you run for public office for a party, you must take a leave of absence from your position at CEBI during the election campaign.
  11. Do not allow the improper circulation of CEBI forum information, official business matters and confidential information related to colleagues and work-related matters.
  12. Take care not to make personal or common computers or laptops available to children and adolescents without the supervision of a suitable adult. In the case of frequent use of a common computer, create security measures, such as creating users and passwords.
  13. CEBI assumes the responsibilities of making public its safeguarding policy and code of conduct in accordance with guidelines adopted internationally by ecumenical organisations and churches regarding the prevention and care against abuse of children and adolescents and adults in vulnerable situations.
  14. CEBI will seek to offer a training process for its members, as well as for consultants who act on behalf of CEBI, with the aim of preventing sexual, power and conscience abuses.

Roles and responsibilities

  • All associates, employees, and volunteers must:
  • Commit to and contribute to an environment where all people feel respected, supported, safe and protected;
  • Never act or behave in a way that results in violence against children, adolescents, young people and vulnerable adults;
  • Know and comply with the provisions of this Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct.
  • Agree, in writing, to comply with the Code of Conduct and Safeguarding.
  • National Management, National Council and State Coordinations must guarantee that:
  • Children, adolescents, young people and vulnerable communities with whom we relate, work or are in contact are aware of the terms of this Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct to ensure that they have the confidence and ability to report any incidents that occur;
  • Employees, associates, and volunteers must be aware of the Safeguarding Implementation Standards applicable to their functions or their commitments to CEBI;
  • Support and develop systems that maintain an environment that is safe and that prevents violence against children, adolescents and young people;
  • They are responsible for ensuring that the Safeguarding Policy is fully incorporated in their regions, states and areas of responsibility in accordance with the Safeguarding Implementation Standards.

Implementation and Monitoring

The CEBI National Board will ensure that this Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct are implemented to promote the vision, mission and principles of the organisation. This policy will be applied at all levels of the organisation, from CEBI offices to the spaces where activities take place.
CEBI facilities, and where CEBI develops its activities, must be a safe space, fair and free from any types of violence, abuse or harassment. CEBI’s people and the development of their activities must exist to facilitate the fulfilment of CEBI’s plan and the exercise of their vocation.

This will be carried out as outlined:

Recruitment and Selection
The National Council must ensure that the principles of CEBI and its standards of conduct are respected in any and all processes of recruiting employees or selecting volunteers for consultancy, facilitation or specific work within consultancy contracts (whether a licensed corporation or an individual freelancer). Upon approval of the Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct, a contractual clause is established in which the people hired affirm that they are aware of these documents and accept them; as well as the sanctions established for non-compliance with them. During the selection process, candidates will be asked for references from previous employers and their most recent work and CEBI will ensure their inspection to minimise the risks of malicious people entering the institution.

Every year all people hired, CEBI state coordination and people who operate as facilitators and advisors must be trained to comply with this Policy and Code of Conduct.
The National Council will establish a Safeguarding and Ethics Commission to guarantee the implementation of the Safeguarding Policy and the Code of Conduct as a whole and promote training, monitoring in the states and follow up on possible cases or complaints. One of the people on this committee will be appointed as a Safeguarding Manager, whose role will be to coordinate CEBI’s Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct for a minimum period of three years, in accordance with the CEBI National Assembly. The Safeguarding Manager will also be responsible for monitoring the people hired and ensuring that this Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct are applied.

This Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct will be evaluated at each National Assembly and any necessary changes will be applied.

Consultations, Complaints, Reports, and Procedures

  1. Any and all activities that CEBI coordinates, promotes or participates in must be guided by this Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct and, in particular, carefully follow the procedures to prevent and monitor risk cases and situations.
  2. Complaints and any breach of this Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct must be reported to the ombudsperson’s email ([email protected]) and/or to the telephone number (+55 51 99764-6903), each report will be individually attended to. Contacts will be available on the CEBI website and information and publicity materials (booklets, cards, videos, leaflets and posters) as well as in CEBI spaces for wide dissemination and accessibility of our Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct. The Office of the Ombudsperson (Serviço de Ouvidoria) will be made up of three people delegated to this role and who will have broad autonomy.
  3. The National Council is obliged to receive any complaint or information that constitutes a breach of this Code and provide appropriate action.
  4. Through the reporting channel, the informant/whistleblower will be able to identify themselves or make an anonymous report, offering details that allow the investigation of their complaint. The channel will receive reports with diligence and confidentiality, guaranteeing integrity and correct correspondence to the Safeguarding and Ethics Commission.
  5. This Code must be respected and reflected in all CEBI governance instances.
  6. Persons who report such actions that violate this Code are protected by confidentiality, and discretion.
  7. Employees who have a complaint or concern related to a violation of the Code must immediately report it to National Board (Direção Nacional). If the employee does not feel comfortable reporting to National Board (for example, if they feel that their complaint or report will not be taken seriously, or if that person is implicated in the concern), they can report it to a member of the National Council (Conselho Nacional). As a priority, you should send an email to the Office of the Ombudsperson and fill out the reporting and complaints form via the link below or access it on the CEBI website.
  8. Link to report and complaints form:


Violations of this policy and code will be investigated, analysed and referred to legal authorities. Violations will incur penalties, including disciplinary action leading to dismissal, termination of all contractual relationships or agreements.

If a legitimate concern about the possible abuse of a child, adolescent, young person or vulnerable adult is raised but proves to be unfounded during or after the investigation, no action will be taken against the reporter and the case will be closed in a secure and confidential location. However, appropriate sanctions will be applied in cases of fake or malicious accusations.

Final Provisions

  1. The CEBI Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct will be available in the various CEBI activity spaces and on CEBI’s website. Communication, Publications, and Training Services will effectuate ample dissemination including the production of accessible versions for children, adolescents, individuals with low literacy, and those with hearing and visual losses.
  2. All associated people, volunteers who collaborate with CEBI and who participate in its many different activities (national, regional and state), and contracted people will receive a copy of the Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct and will sign the term of commitment.
  3. This Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct, approved by the National Council at its ordinary meeting on July 8, 2023, will begin to be applied in August/September 2023.

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